2022-09-23 12:12 PM
I've been trying to cypher a plain text using HAL_CRYP_AESECB_Encrypt(), but everytime I call this function, it gets stuck in a while loop inside CRYP_ProcessData().
Here's a screenshot of the exact code snippet where everything get's ruined:
The fact is that AES_SR_CCF bit is clear forever. The AES peripheral seems never to complete the task.
After some time inside the loop, a hardfault is generated.
Can anyone help me to figure out what could be going on?
Thank you!
2022-09-23 12:41 PM
Not clear how the loop would lead to a Hard Fault, some where else.
Hard Fault's where exactly? And with what registers?
Have a Handler that outputs actionable data.
Does the unit for sure have the L082 ?
Is the clock on the CRYP enabled ?
Are all registers ZERO ?