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STM32L072 and interrupt vector

Associate III

Hi all

I would like to know if STM32L072 can use interrupt for USART4 & 5.

I'm using 1,2,4,5 serial ports .

If not, is using STM32L151 would change something or not ?

Thanks for help


Check status of both in one handler

        DCD   USART4_5_IRQHandler      ; USART4 and USART5

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Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

But where can I find information for this Irq ?

I m using MikroC and I can see interrupt vector for serial port 1 & 2 but not for any other port.

And on datasheet I can't see any available interrupt too...

Table of interrupt vectors is in the Reference manual RM0091 . Table 36 in section 11.1.3.

Most users just look in the startup assembly files, provided by ST for well supported development tools.

-- pa