2021-01-04 9:31 PM
I have a question of DATA EEPROM Memory area of STM32L071CBT6.
In order to store specific data(FLAG byte for use by me),
several bytes of values are stored in the DATA EEPROM.
0x08080000 : (no data)
0x08080001 : 1st BYTE of my data
0x08080002 : 2nd BYTE of my data
0x08080003 : 3rd BYTE of my data
0x08080004 : 4th BYTE of my data
0x080801FF : last BYTE of my data
To write data in BYTE, I use HAL Library function.
When using hundreds of same MCUs,
there is a phenomenon in which the data written are erased in some MCUs.
At this time, data of other address is normal but data of addresses 0x08080001 to 0x0808003 are cleared to 0.
Is there are any ideas why this phenomenon is happening?
If anyone knows, let me know.
Best regards,