2021-05-06 04:02 AM
I am using STM32L011K4 MCU and it says on errata that:
"The IWDG must be configured so that the counter starts counting down and generates a reset when the end of count value is reached. In some cases, the configuration does not work, the IWDG remains stopped and does not reset the device
Workaround None."
Does that mean that I can't trust for the watchdog that it is running. So do I have to change the MCU for the one where watchdog is working or can I use this if it's configured correctly.
I need watchdog to be working in my application.
2021-05-06 06:20 AM
This is fixed in rev Z chips, which is probably what you find out there in the wild. Verify by checking the REV_ID field and interpreting per the reference manual.