2020-05-18 12:26 AM
I am migrating my project from STM32F778AI to STM32H747XI and I have some issues regrading EXTI interrupt on M4 core.
I use custom board with J-link programmer.
I have simple button with hardware pull-up and I configured pin to be EXTI11 on M4 (enabling interrupts- falling edge) and it is not working. But, if I configure this pin to M7 it works perfectly..
Is there anything special that I need to do to make it work?
I read that EXTI works on M4 the same as in M7.
2020-05-21 8:19 AM
Hello @davidra7
Make sure that there is to define STM32H747xx, CORE_CM4 is set in the Cortex-M4 project
Best regards,
2020-05-26 12:14 AM
It is set because it dont by CubeMX.
The problem was that M7 must be initialized before M4. After that it worked
2024-05-09 10:35 PM
Hello @davidra7
I meet the same problem that exti can work in M7 but not work in M4.
Can you explain your method? Thanks!!