2022-02-03 7:14 AM
I have a STM32H745I-DISCO board that I would like to debug using UART Serial over the STLINK virtual com port. UM2488 Section 6.14 shows this should be connected to USART3.
I have the USART3 peripheral enabled with the following configuration:
In the main function, I have:
uint8_t buf[32] = "Hello!!"
while (1)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, buf, strlen((char*)buf), HAL_MAX_DELAY);
I have ensured that the STLNK VCP driver is installed, and I see the COM port in my device manager window.
I connect to the port with the following settings in PuTTY:
The terminal connects, but I don't see my output string.
Is there any example UART serial printing code for the H7 that I could look over? If any extra information is needed just let me know.
2022-02-03 8:12 AM
Hello @woozl
Have you configured GPIO associated to USART3 TX and RX ?
According to UM2488, Table 16, it looks like PB10 and PB11 are used.
About available examples for this board, please have a look inside H7 FW package.
I think this UART_WakeUpFromStopUsingFIFO example could help (available on Github, or FW package also available on st.com website).
2022-02-03 8:40 AM
Look at the code generated, especially pins and clocks.
Make sure the HSE clock is correctly reflected in HSE_VALUE.
Do it on the CM7 core first.
2022-02-03 8:49 AM
Thanks for the reply, the pins have been configured as so:Just tried that example and had no luck either.
2022-02-03 9:27 AM
Switching it to the CM7 core worked for some reason. Thanks!