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STM32H745 Can't get temperature


I've made several attempts to get the temperature from the ADC and all end up resulting in negative numbers.

I'm using an ADC reference IC that provides a 2.048 reference.

I've tried a few different approaches.

The simplest approach I've done is trying to use the built in macros:


  serprintf("%i\n", __HAL_ADC_CALC_TEMPERATURE(2048, aADC3ConvertedData[0], ADC_RESOLUTION_12B));
  serprintf("%i\n", __LL_ADC_CALC_TEMPERATURE(2048, aADC3ConvertedData[0], LL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12B));

Where aADC3ConvertedData is an array that consists of temperature, vref, and vbat.

These macros give me ~-135C. (one calls the other anyway, I think)

I've attempted to get the vref using this macro:


That gave me the same result.

Lastly, I've used the datasheet function:

There is at least one caveat with this function

1) TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 were measured with a vref of 3300mV

(They are stored as 12251, and 16254 respectively)

I've converted the values to my vref of 2048mV using the following process:

Out[128]: 0.05035477225909819
Out[129]: 0.03125047684443427
Out[132]: 616.896314946212
Out[135]: 19711.69921875
Out[136]: 818.4664682993821
Out[141]: 26190.527343750004
TS_CAL1 = 19740.380859375
TS_CAL2 = 26190.527343750004

Raw ADC value for temperature (TS_DATA) is 6050.

Plugging into the above equation gives me -139C.

I've left everything at 16b since this is what is recommended in stm32h7_hal_adc.h

Is there something else I have not considered?


Check and adapt a Nucleo ADC example which is closet to your chip, which is supposed to measure temperature.

Chief II

Not the main issues, but still...

  • You have to divide by 65536.
  • The rounding of 616.8... is incorrect.
  • The TS_CAL1 result in lines 12 and 20 doesn't match.

Check my post in this topic:


I see I made a few minor issues, but still something isn't right.

I took a slightly different approach to scale the TS_CAL1 and TS_CAL2 values from 3300mV to 2000mV:

TS_CAL1 = 12251

Out[28]: 616.8869018554688

So, this is a "voltage" representation based on this discussion.

I should be able to convert that voltage reading into a scaled version of the ADC signal at my VREF:

Out[29]: 20214.15

Validating that:

Out[31]: 616.8869018554688

I do the same with TS_CAL2 and I get the results of


My reading, which is around ~6500 is already scaled to 2000mV. Gives me ~-135C.

However, upon reflection why is my ADC giving me 6050 for temperature?

If TS_CAL1 is taken at 30C, and it's scaled value is 20214.15 then this should be significantly higher since I'm at room temperature. I understand this is not a linear value, but it should be much higher.

Additionally, I also have an STM32G491. However, it's using a 3.3V ref. I noticed TS_CAL1, and TS_CAL2 are 1034 and 1384 respectively.

The raw ADC temperature reading is 245.

I applied a heat gun to both MCPUs it increase the temperature and neither one of them changed significantly at all.

My Cube settings for G491

0693W00000Y7lBGQAZ.pngand for H745


1.5/2.5 cycles sampling time is certainly incorrect. Read datasheet.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> I applied a heat gun to both MCPUs it increase the temperature and neither one of them changed significantly at all.

Then you have a problem with the A/D conversion?

This definitely seems to be the cause. Definite disconnect on my end about how it works. Still something isn't clear though. The datasheet excerpt is this:


My ADC is clocked at 120Mhz, however I am sing a prescaler of 2, so it is effectively 60Mhz.

This seems to imply I can select 12.5 cycles?

I noticed with 12.5 cycles this is still not accurate. But as I increase cycles the accuracy increases. For instance, at 12.5 cycles my ADC reading is still ~500 which ends up being -110C.

If I increase the cycles to 92.5 then my temperature is 44C. Closer, and possible.

If I increase the cycles to 247.5 then my temperature calculates to 29C. This is probably correct.

So, I guess I am trying to get a little further understanding of this.

Based on what I've read, Tconv would be (247.5+12.5)/60M

About 4us. So, with this in mind, I am converting 230769 times per second.

Is that the right thinking? The sampling is adequate.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Refer to Temperature sensor characteristics in datasheet, should have something like:

  ADC sampling time when reading the temperature: 9 μs