‎2018-09-25 11:21 AM
I'm trying to load the LedToggling applicaton into the STM32H743I-EVAL board compiled with the XIP_QSPI_InternalSRAM configuration and using the EWARM.
It is written in the readme.txt file that for the EWARM I only have to use is Project->Debug. But the debugger return errors trying to program the address 0x9000000.
Using the ST-LINK Utility v4.2.0 I can program and run the application. So the hardware is Ok.
Is it really possible to load the code into the quad-spi using the EWARM debugger directly?
‎2018-09-25 11:35 AM
Not an IAR user, but in Keil I can tell the debugger if it should download, or not, which permits the firmware to be written be the STM32 Cube Programmer and External Loader for the QSPI. Keil also has the ability to support external loaders (flash algorithms) that would function in an equivalent fashion.
I'd imagine IAR has similar methods, but don't know enough to care.
‎2018-09-25 05:59 PM
According to the attached readme.txt file from "STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.3.0\Projects\STM32H743I_EVAL\Applications\ExtMem_CodeExecution\ExtMem_Application\LedToggling" directory, for EWARM and MDK-ARM, only the command Project->Debug should be necessary to load the code into the quad-spi flash.
‎2018-09-25 06:30 PM
Well assuming that's it not working, arguing about the readme.txt isn't going to advance the ball.
If it is not happening automatically you're going to need to associate a board specific loader for the external memory, this loader is either tied to the debugger instance, or the chip/board selection for the project.
Pulling the meta-data for a Keil QSPI project on the H743I-EVAL there are a couple of associations:
-FF1STM32H7xx_MT25TL01G -FS190000000 -FL14000000
-FF2STM32H7xx_MT25TL01G_DUAL -FS290000000 -FL28000000
The .FLM files being the flash loaders, and pulled by Keil via it's chip/board support packs.
I don't see similar meta-data in the EWARM projects, so perhaps something you're going to have to manage manually.
This pack is about 3x the size of the one for EWARM
‎2018-09-25 06:38 PM
@Khouloud GARSI​ how is the team managing external loaders in the EWARM/IAR context? Thanks.
‎2018-09-28 10:45 AM
I also tried load a project configured to run into the external quad-spi flash using the EWARM Project->Debug command for the STM32F746-Discovery board.
I changed the debuger flash loader configuration board to the: FlashSTM32F7xx_STM32F746G-DISCO.board. And it still not working.
ST should release a working example of download and debug the code into the quad-spi flash directly from the IDE debug command.
‎2018-09-28 11:44 AM
And who's providing FlashSTM32F7xx_STM32F746G-DISCO.board? IAR?
It doesn't work on the STM32F746G-DISCO board, or it doesn't work on the STM32H743I-EVAL?
The flash loaders aren't generic, they are highly board specific
‎2018-09-29 10:59 AM
I first ***** the ExtMem.../LedToggling application on the STM32H743I_EVAL. And then I tested other application configured to load the code into qspi-flash for the STM32F746G-DISCO using the FlashSTM32F7xx_STM32F746G-DISCO.board flash configuration file found on the ../config/flash directory of the IAR instalation.
I wil try IAR support solve my problem.
‎2018-09-29 11:50 AM
@STOne-32​ Can you get someone to look at this a little. Perhaps also double checking the viability of the QSPI demos on the STM32F746G-DISCO via the IAR platform too. Not sure who is the owner of the IAR loaders, and if anyone from Team IAR might participate here. Some partner and FAE participation would go a long way to resolving these types of issues. Cc @brk​
‎2018-10-03 08:28 AM
Hi @Community member​ ,
Using the project under EWARM IDE, could you please check the Flash loaders? You should make sure that at least the second one shown in the screenshot below is available.
I have tested the application from my side and it's working conveniently: Using EWARM, in order to load the project image from the IDE, "Project-> Download and Debug" is all what you should do.