2018-05-24 03:03 AM
I have designed a board using the STM32H743II. During integration testing of the software I have found the following issues related to the microcontroller (SCB->CPUID 0x411fc271) :
1)SPI1 and ADC1 is not working when using PLL2 P output due to the bit DIVP2EN in RCC_PLLCFGR stuck at '0'. This is probably true for all peripherals which could use PLL2 output P. PLL3 output P works fine as clocksource.
2)ADC1 is not working when using PLL3 R output due to the bit DIVR3EN in RCC_PLLCFGR stuck at '0'. This is probably true for all peripherals which could use PLL3 output R. PERCLK works fine as ADC1 clock source,
3) TIM2->ARR is 0x00000000 after reset NOT as in the RM 0xFFFFFFFF and will not start counting even when configured as up counter as long as ARR is 0x00000000 (which is not outlined in the RM either). Thanks Jan Waclawek for the help!
Hopefully this will spare other developers some time. I spent a couple of days on it before I found the reason and a solution.
Best regards
2019-03-25 12:43 AM
For me, when using SPI (Full-Duplex Slave) mode, if I set (Hardware NSS input signal), the spi does not work, I have to disable it and it operated, does anyone encounter like me