2020-10-20 1:55 AM
In RM0433 Reference Manual there is a description of the AXIM indicating the possibility to change the QoS for the AXI switch matrix, but cannot find the reference for the indexes used in AXI_INIx_READ_QOS or AXI_INIx_WRITE_QOS.
If there any manual where the channels are described?.
2020-11-05 6:10 AM
The information is available in section 2.2.3: AXI interconnect functional description.
Please refer to figure 2. AXI Interconnection.
2020-11-12 7:27 AM
Thanks for the answer, but I do not understand it yet.
According to AXI interconnect - INI x read QoS register (page 118) , the possible index for the offset range from 1 to 76 (Address offset: 0x41100 + 0x1000 * x, where x = 1 to 76). The figure 2 indicates 6 masters and 7 slaves, could you please elaborate the relationship between the master/slave and index of the register?
For example, whitch master/slave are affected with index 35?.
2021-04-19 8:07 PM
Did you find an answer ?
Do you have a register map for QOS ?
Cant find any documentation and no examples...