2022-03-16 3:14 AM
Hi all,
Nucleo-144 Stm32h723zg board while debugging suddenly loses communication and shows target not found, unable to read register values. This does not happen always but during debugging this issue is coming up,any solution or any problem with the board can someone help me out.
Thank You.
2022-03-16 4:03 AM
If there is no issue with GPIO example: normally no watchdog is activated.
So there are two hypothesis:
2022-03-16 4:06 AM
The same application and program I can debug using an other board without facing any issue but while using this board I face the issue
2022-03-16 4:12 AM
ok but the "working" board could be working at the limit of the spec. Note that not all chips are same. So if you are not using the chip in the recommended configs, some chips "work" as you expect, others not. if you know what I mean ..
Note that "power issue" was just an hypothesis.. So it could be a board issue ..