2024-04-17 7:09 AM
We have a custom board with STM32H723 where VREF+ is set to 3 volts.
When I feed ADC3 input 2 with a value of 0 volts, I get 118 counts on the 12-bit ADC,
1.48 volts gives 1385 counts, and 2.95 volts gives 2600 counts.
Earlier work with Nucleo board with STM32h723 had VREF+ set to 3.3 volts.
Same inputs: ADC3 input 2 with a value of 0 volts gives 12 counts on the 12-bit ADC,
1.65 volts gives 2090 counts, and 3.3 volts gives 4075 counts.
I was expecting to see similar values when I switched from Nucleo to custom.
I am running HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start( ) at power up.
The ADC is set up not to use DMA, so I send the following every 50 msec:
HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc3, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
temp_value = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc3);
Is there a setup step needed for change in VREF+ or should that be transparent?
Todd Anderson
2024-04-18 4:23 AM
Here is the setup code to get data from channel 2 (similar to the ADC setup for temperature).
/* Select input channel. */
ADC_Select_CH2( );
/* Start ADC */
/* wait for conversion to finish. */
HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc3, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
/* Get value */
adc_value = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc3);
/* Stop ADC */
2024-04-18 4:56 AM
Further update - when I changed the sample time from original (ADC3_SAMPLETIME_2CYCLES5) to higher values, the ADC value also changed. I have seen that ADC3_SAMPLETIME_247CYCLES5 works well, any higher sample times give no additional benefit.
Here is what I am seeing:
Nucleo with 3.3 v VREF+
4075 counts at 3.3 v (max) [ideal 4095 counts]
2040 counts at 1.65 v [ideal 2047 counts]
12 counts at 0v
Custom board with 3.0 v VREF+
3945 counts at 3.0 v (max)
1910 counts at 1.5 v
0 counts at 0v
This is much closer to the ideal than I was originally seeing.
Todd Anderson