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STM32H7,STM32H743 ADC with DMA

Volker Bremauer
Associate III
Posted on October 11, 2017 at 15:09

In summer 2017, I started an project with the STM32F767 on the Nucleo board, because the H743 was still announced but not available. For some weeks I got the new Nucleo board of the STM32H743.

After I transferred the code from the F767 to the H743, I recognized the not working DMA interrupt. The DMA interrupt was working on the 767 perfectly. So I reduced the code of the F767 and the H743 (by using cube) to only this function for see what�s the difference.
  • TIM3 managed 4 PWM Signals (22KHz) and triggers the ADC1 on falling edge and call the interrupt call back function. (LED GREEN toggles).
  • When ADC1 conversion is finished, the DMA is triggered and copies the data.
  • When the DMA transfer is completed, the call back function is called, and the BLUE LED toggles

I can�t see, why the interrupt for the DMA at the STM32H743 is not working!

Have somebody done something like this already and was successful?

I put both projects for Cube and the AC6 workbench to the attachment. Hope somebody can help me.

BR Volker

#stm32h743 #stm32h7
Posted on June 05, 2018 at 16:57

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Posted on June 06, 2018 at 09:18

Hello Bremauer.VolkerI've got the same your problem. Please show me where is 
LinkerScript.ld located in. I couldn't find it in my project.

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 09:27

Name, syntax and location of the linker script depends on the toolchain (IDE).

Which one you are using ?

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 09:46

System Workbench for STM32 - OpenOCD (for Windows 32bits)


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Posted on June 06, 2018 at 09:54

Depending on your project structure, search for the *.ld extention.

You can define different scripts for Debug|Release

in my poject:


Posted on June 06, 2018 at 12:48

Hi Volker, thanks for your reply. Is the linker file created by CubeMX or you edited it manually?

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 13:13

Thank for your replay. I use Keil 5 to complie, My project is read multi channels ADC, but I can't use DMA for ADC. If you know it, please help me!  I use stm32H743VI6 and variables adc_value not change...0690X0000060L9GQAU.png0690X0000060L9LQAU.png

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 14:36

Created by cube-x and edited by myself for my purpose.

Posted on June 07, 2018 at 15:15

Hi Nhan,

My setting for ADC1, of cause I am using also ADC2 and ADC3 (looks nearly same)

Difference to your app:

ADC1 is triggered by Timer3 Capture. In your example you want to trigger by SW.


DMA definition for all ADC DMA channels


Hope this helps.

Posted on June 08, 2018 at 13:12

The linker script you posted in the message differs from the one in the archive. Which one is correct?