2020-11-07 11:40 PM
In CubeIDE the temperature sensor stabilization time for my STM32G071 is defined by: stm32g0xx_ll_adc.h
But in the Datasheet I see at least 15µs max for Tstart(ts_buf) and for Tstart itself its already 120µs max...
Now I am confused, shall I take the 10µs in the define or should I change it?
2020-11-08 6:54 AM
Seems inconsistent. I would change it to 120. It's not real clear to me what the difference is between those two values--t_start vs t_start(ts_buf).
2020-11-08 7:46 AM
I would go for the 120us too.
If I implement the 120us delay for the temp sensor, is it correct that I dont need an extra delay for lets say VREFINT to start up?
VREFINT needs 12us startup time, so this should be theoretically covered by the 120us delay?