2021-03-03 3:12 AM
I have been using STM32G MCUs with USB PD Sink or Source application. Right now, I want to implement Debug Accessory Mode in either STM32G0 or G4 MCUs with SInk USB PD Application. Hence, i would like to use USB-C cable SBU and Data lines for MCU flashing.
When i created an example project and inspected the firmware, i found out that the SNK_ACCESORY is not defined and it is not within and cinfig file, even though i checked the box of CAD Debug within CubeIDE. When i inspected further, i found out in usbpd_def.h that the CAD_AccesorySupport is commented as not yet implemented. I would like to see if i can implement the Debug Accesory Mode by manually defining the SNK_ACCESSORY.
What are the steps i need to follow to implement this mode within STM PD3 Stack? Is there any further example project i can follow from one of these MCUs for Debug Accessory Mode application?
2021-03-03 4:51 AM
Add multiple tags for visibility in different sub-forums
2021-03-03 5:24 AM
yeah my mistake, added to USB-PD tagged sub-forum. will delete this one.