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STM32F746 Cortex-M7 silicon bug. Singlestep lands in interrupt handler

James Murray

I'm running into the Cortex M7 r0p0, r0p1 bug where single-stepping is impossible due to the processor handling an interrupt instead.


I'm using OpenOCD and it is reporting:

Warn : Silicon bug: single stepping will enter pending exception handler!

As per title, this is with an STM32F746Z on a Nucleo 144 which has the bug. STM32F769N worked as expected.

Are there any plans from ST to release a fixed ARM core in the 746 or 745?




a) I don't work for ST

b) It's a 5+ year old part

c) This was a 2 year old thread when you posted against it, already citing links at that time where ST indicated in 2017 that this die wasn't going to be respun.

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@James Murray​ , @Mario Ghecea​ 

Guys, the workaround by SEGGER actually works out of the box. I'm using it in EmBitz through J-Link GDB Server with no special configuration and no issues. If it doesn't work, it's probably because of something else. Just a blind guess - OpenOCD.

Stop lying and more able people than you have been trying to deceive this thread and this is a known fact that that entire line from ARM had a fault in it probably by design...So save us the BS...What you work for Elon Musk with the fake vids of rockets landing backwards ? Seriously save us the time wasted reading your messages....People here have nested interrupt complex issues not 1+2+3 = (code your wrote)

How does SEGGER behave if the WWDG is enabled?

My workaround when using OpenOCD doesn't work any more. In my "hit Run" stage it trips the WWDG.


It does not step period...Don't trust these deceivers from India...It has been admitted as a JTAG stepping bug inside the errata of STM32F746 even by KEIL...

Oh another Tesla Fan boy covering the poopies sabotage...In Silicone...Nice excuses...ST Sold that part to millions of customers knowing this issue existed 2 years ago...They need an excuse Pirate like you to apologize for them...How Incompetent of their unscrupulous management to push this forward like that ???

Did you try the workaround I posted above ? I used that today on a 746 and it works for me (when the WWDG is disabled.)


KEIL says break your code execution on a breakpoint...

DHCSR -> C_MASKINTS bit while the target is halted and not just for a step

I work on DMA and Audio Drivers...I have never seen such ********...Its a sabotage of the industry sadly...

I tried your method. I noticed that when I set the PRIMASK bit, I run into a TIM IRQ when single stepping after I declare a thread. When I don't set the PRIMASK bit, I run into the TIM IRQ when I run System Clock Config. When you were able to solve this issue, were using threads?

PS: I am not using WWDG.

I'm not using threads. My application is a single core with no RTOS.

If you do hit another interrupt, re-check PRIMASK is set and hit "Run" again. Hopefully you end up at your breakpoint in the end and can step from there.

That's my experience anyway. I'm not sure I understand how any threads or RTOS behaviour could really change this very low-level behaviour of the core? (But could be wrong!)


PS. I'm not entering the flame-war about "Clive" as he has provided plenty of useful information on this forum.