2017-01-26 06:18 AM
I just buy a JLLINK TRACE and I want to add the trace function in my program
I use GNU ARM GCC and eclipse.
Do you know how to activate the trace ETM 4 bits ?
I found these articles :
but I wanted to know if you have more informations/ exemple ?
Thanks !
#trace #stm32f7672017-01-26 07:28 AM
Hello Brice_38,
You may search in this Forum to find threads with
more information and
examples related to this topic, as thishttps://community.st.com/0D50X00009XkfGySAJ
Hope this helps you.
2017-01-26 08:49 AM
I was actually reading this when you reply
I will look at the github link in the exemple.
I'm surprised that ST doesn't provide exemple for this functionnality (like uart or i2c)
Will let you know if i find something usefull