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STM32F446RET6 Nokia5110


I am using CMSIS for STM32F446RET6 (clock speed at 180 MHz) to drive Nokia5110 LCD Module via SPI1. But, this program doesn't work. When I test with STM32F103C8T6 (using CMSIS and Clock speed 72 MHz), Nokia5110 work well. Please help me. How to correct program for STM32F446RET6? Project file is attached and anyone can see connection diagram in readme file. This project is created with STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1


Edit: I have attached two files.

STM32F103C8T6_spi1_nokia5110.tar.xz is working. But, STM3F446RET6_spi1_nokia5110 not.


>>How to correct program for STM32F446RET6?

Debug it?

Perhaps check signals with a scope or logic analyzer, comparing the working vs not-working and reviewing the manual or data sheet for the display?

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ST Employee

Hello and welcome to the community..

Waw Nokia5110 a phone from the previous century and it's still working :)!


When I test with STM32F103C8T6 (using CMSIS and Clock speed 72 MHz), Nokia5110 work well.

You need to check what is the difference then: clock configs / SPI config. Check also the GPIOs: are you using the correct GPIOs?

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