2014-01-27 1:21 AM
Have anybody tried connecting camera with this board?I see that some of the pins are interfering example PA4 (DCMI_HSYNC interfering with LCD_VSYNC).Maybe someone figured how to use the camera with the LCD on board?Thank you,//Nikolaj2014-01-27 4:08 AM
2014-01-27 4:52 AM
Thank you Clive1, but do you know why they put the LCD and DCMI pins together, there are a lot of other free pins, why not to use those?
Its a designers mistake or something? //Nikolaj2014-01-27 5:24 AM
I think the pin muxing options on the chip could have been better thought out, I mean you lock SDIO to a specific group of pins, and then you break the 4-bit interface by parking an LCD pin you can't move in the middle of it. FFS!
As for the STM32F429I-DISCO goes, I'm not sure what the goals were, but we're left with a board of very limited utility beyond what's on it. I think it demonstrates the LCD+SDRAM well, but the inability to use SDIO with 8MB of memory, to load say JPEG or VIDEO misses the mark, as you observe a CAMERA can't capture to the display, and we've got no ETHERNET/INTERNET, and a handful of ADC pins.It could have been so much more.2014-01-27 7:52 AM
Actually clive1 you can use SDRAM with SDIO (Where you see interference SDRAM with SDIO?), but you cannot use the LCD with DCMI or SDIO. The LCD is almost not usable in this board.
2014-01-27 8:33 AM
I'm talking about a systemic issue, using the LCD + SDRAM together, and pulling still/video content, or code, from a large external memory device.
With a little bit of thought this could have been executed much better. While I have an STM324x9I-EVAL, I'm going to have to look for a cheaper board from China instead of the nice break-out board that worked for the original STM32F4-DISCO.