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Posted on November 14, 2016 at 21:35Good day,What I want is: If I put GND to GPIOD_4 I want to LED ON.If high impedance then LED OFF.I attached my schematic with CHRG pin connected to GPIOD_4.Is it possible to pull up internally gpio?I wrote some co...
Posted on August 14, 2016 at 16:11Hi there,I see that inside this board there is TS472 audio preamplifier, but there is no driver for that.preamp is connected to pin PF10 (ADC3_IN8).PAGE 50/67:
Posted on May 31, 2016 at 13:38Good day,I am trying to read sinus from audio line in.But I see that I could only read higher value of my amplitude, here is the example: source code:#define IO_PIN       GPIO_...
Posted on April 23, 2016 at 23:16Good day,If anyone tried to use FreeRTOS I have one question, why my task is not finished, and another task is started? Here is my code and log.code:void vDebug1(void *pvParameters){ vTaskDelay( 100 / portTICK_RATE_M...
Posted on September 17, 2015 at 23:20Good day,  I tried to port STM32F4discovery SPI to STM32F7discovery SPI, without any luck.  Can you please help me with that.  Here is my code.  I want to port this function:uint8_t SPI_SEND_DATA(uint8_t data){  ...