2013-04-06 3:17 AM
concerning the new STM32F429/STM32F439 chips: In the part number table in column ''Serial interface'' it says ''2xUSB OTG FS/HS'' for most of them - whereas for the older chips (as STM32F407...) it says ''2xUSB OTG (FS + FS/HS)''. Does this mean, that the STM32F429/39 possibly have USB-HS on-chip (without need of ULPI interface?) (which would be SUPER GREAT)???? Anyone has any clue? (or anyone has an idea, when the reference manual will be updated to include the description of the new 429/439 stuff (as also the TFT interface and the Chrom-ART accelerator) ?2013-04-06 5:46 AM
These documents seems less ambiguous.
Getting 48 MHz from 180 MHz might also be entertaining. SDRAM running at 84 MHz suggests we're still at 168 MHz2013-04-07 7:33 AM
Thank you for this brochure, so there it is stated quite clear that nothing new on USB side.
It is a pity that they do not even take the opportunity to assign an alternative pin for the CAN2RX or OTG_HS_ULPI_D7 (the current clash of these 2 functions on pin PB5 forbids the use of CAN2 together with USB-HS, which is quite a drawback for my USB-HS applications - I think generally USB-HS applications will need as many further data interfaces as possible, so it might also hurt quite many other USB-HS fans too).