2014-08-08 8:21 AM
I'd like to design minimal schematic for STM32F429. I'd like to have all pins connected to goldpins. I want to program through ST-LINK and SWD. Please check my schematic. It's in the attachment. Thanks! #stm32f429 #basic-circuit2014-08-08 8:42 AM
I'd definitely recommend getting NRST to the debug connector, and would strongly suggest providing a standard connector (10-pin SWD or 20-pin JTAG)
Also consider a jumper option for BOOT0, and the ability to power VBAT independently.2014-09-04 12:08 AM
Hi Clive,
i have connected MAX3232 with STM32F429ZIT6 as per schematic attached. i have serial port application ''com port toolkit'' configured at 9600 ,8E1 , having 0x7F to this device , the device is replying 0x7F 0xFF 0xFF instead of 0x79 as instructed by you. Further connecting SWCLK & SWDIO pins to STLINK V2 given on your STM32L1-Discovery kit with jumpers removed from CN3. i tried to access the chip on keil after selecting the debug as STLINK. Only STLINK was detected but this device was not. i have checked all Vss & Vdd connections against short circuit. i have set chip Vdd=3.3VDC which converted from Vcc=5VDC , 2A DC power supply. Please! help me. ________________ Attachments : repeater.PDF : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Wg&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bcr%2Fx2oD6xvySn8P1qqDIKwjyIH1sMzarYia81.LBacxsiU&asPdf=false2014-09-04 1:01 AM
Hi clive,
I have gone through your various posts. I have connected 2.2uF,50V polarized electrolytic capacitors to both VCAP1 & VCAP2 pin. i hv grounded both from -ve marked terminal. I m not getting ~1.2 V on both , the voltage is fluctuating around 0V. Further, 2.2uF ceramic non-polarized caps are not available in India , all i can do is connecting two pieces of 1uF non-polarized ceramic caps or connect 100nF cap with 2.2uF,50V polarized electrolytic capacitor in parallel to connect with VCAP pins. Please! suggest & help me to decide which combination will work correctly.2014-09-04 1:54 AM
I'll take a look at the schematic, but you need to be very sure of the part orientation, and where Pin 1 is.
2014-09-04 3:09 AM
Hi Clive,
yes, i m very much sure about part orientation. I m counting PIN no 1 from left notch found on upper left side of target chip just below ARM logo.2014-09-04 4:40 AM
Hi Clive,
I have managed to get 2.2uF ceramic non-polarized cap . but still i m not able to ~1.2 V DC across the VCAP pins. Please! go through my latest schematic. i have tested the circuit against all possible other technical glitches. Please! suggest me what to do. ________________ Attachments : repeater.PDF : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0iA&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bcp%2FHAIq8C8cJXHxL9_7WswPqTrEv9vEA3iEz9Sc7sC0H5Y&asPdf=false