2014-11-17 6:45 AM
How to flash STM32F429 LQFP176 through USART during production? I have tried STM32 Flash Loader demonstration tool but it looks like STM32F429 with 2MB flash is not supported. Any other tool to flash this chip during mass production?
TIAMR2014-11-17 7:40 AM
The underlying protocol is pretty simple, and source code for the Flash Loader Demonstrator is provided. There are also Open Source solutions. A coder with Windows/Linux experience should be able to build a solution in a couple of man days or less.
The loader could also push in code to RAM, and then use a more robust XMODEM/YMODEM transfer to complete the job if you're more familiar with those protocols. See also ST's IAP examples. What's your budget for a commercial solutions, per station? Segger has a number of JTAG/SWD based solutions. With USB there's DFU Manager.