2014-05-29 7:35 PM
Where would one find the source code for the zip file located here:
It has some nice examples but only hex files for flashing and not the source code.2015-03-25 6:02 AM
No reply yet ?
VS2012 is mabey not very hot ?The .Net Micro FrameWork, works great with the STM32F429i Discovery board.Screen and TouchScreen, nice examples great work from STBut the problem is no modifications ? updates ?I'm now using the ENC28J60 module with NETMF code.But i rather use the STM32F429 with this moduleDP83848 PHY
Any news from ST how to do this with the Net Micro Framework package (UM1676).2015-03-25 8:13 AM
Isn't the NetMF a community driven thing, not an ST thing? Maybe you should converse with the mountaineer people?
This is a user forum, ST does most of it's customer support through FAEs, and distribution channels. Seem to recall the STM32F429I-DISCO need some significant hacking to get Ethernet working. I think emcraft (ucLinux) provided some modification notes.