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STM32F429 discovery .Net Micro Framework package (UM1676)

Associate II
Posted on May 30, 2014 at 04:35

Where would one find the source code for the zip file located here:

It has some nice examples but only hex files for flashing and not the source code.
Posted on March 25, 2015 at 14:02

No reply yet ?

VS2012 is mabey not very hot ?

The .Net Micro FrameWork, works great with

the STM32F429i Discovery board.

Screen and TouchScreen, nice examples great work from ST

But the problem is no modifications ? updates ?

I'm now using the ENC28J60 module with NETMF code.

But i rather use the STM32F429 with this module 

DP83848 PHY

Any news from ST how to do this with the Net Micro Framework package (UM1676).

Posted on March 25, 2015 at 16:13

Isn't the NetMF a community driven thing, not an ST thing? Maybe you should converse with the mountaineer people?

This is a user forum, ST does most of it's customer support through FAEs, and distribution channels.

Seem to recall the STM32F429I-DISCO need some significant hacking to get Ethernet working. I think emcraft (ucLinux) provided some modification notes.

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