2016-04-21 7:24 AM
I believe I have a problem with SPI bus. I have set the SPI bus to set up and receive data from a ADC. First off I have configured IO Pins to Clock Data from the ADC using PA5 - SClk, PA6 as MISO and PA7 as MOSI and works fine for all 8 channels albeit slow. I have reconfigured using MX Cube to configure the SPI bus. The code fragment is as below:- // Code to wait for D_Ready; Set_CS(P_LOW); // Set CS low on ADC HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, SPI1_Data_Read_ADC1, 4, 1000); if(status != HAL_OK) { return status; }; Set_CS(P_HIGH); // Set ADC CS High This runs OK with Receive set to 4 bytes if I incease to 5 bytes the SPI stops clocking, I have an Oscilloscope(pico) on the Data, Clock and D_Ready and CS and all seems normal with 4 bytes but the SClk stop with 5 bytes +. Changing CPOL, Edge and Baud rate has no effect. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks John W2016-04-25 3:02 AM