2013-10-04 7:14 PM
TIM6 Update event occurs each 37.5MHz/256 = 16.406 KHz the words in the DAC exemple. I want to know how to get the 37.5MHz ,how to calculate it out.Thank you for your help.
2013-10-04 7:36 PM
To get to 37.5 MHz you need to run the CPU at 150 MHz, have a prescaler of zero (1 - 1), and period of 3 (4 - 1) as they are both integer factors.
1 * 4 * 37.5 = 1502013-10-05 1:57 AM
Next time, please tell us, *which* example are you talking about. I presume, the one from the STM32F4DISCOVERY firmware.
Googling yields a similar question: http://www.keil.com/forum/22846/ I'd say, it's simply a copy/paste error and the demo was originally developed for a different STM32 model; or a project, which for some reason was clocked to different AHB clock frequency. JW2013-10-05 2:50 AM
2013-10-05 2:53 AM