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STM32F407 Discovery Board Programming error @ 0x08000000!

Associate II

I have trie everything i am able to upgrade firmware to erase device to see it in win 10 but when i try to flash something i receive program errore  0x08000000! and flash is completely empy. I have he board monunted over a PCD that i do not know why took fire but the STM32F407 is not touched by fire and i immediatly shoot down infact i see led connection and file system i cannot flash it.


02:23:47 : V2J37M26

02:23:47 : Connected via SWD.

02:23:47 : SWD Frequency = 4,0 MHz.

02:23:47 : Connection mode : Normal.

02:23:47 : Debug in Low Power mode enabled.

02:23:47 : Device ID:0x413 

02:23:47 : Device family :STM32F405xx/F407xx/F415xx/F417xx

02:23:59 : Flash memory erased.

02:24:22 : Programming error @ 0x08000000!

02:24:24 : Programmed memory Checksum: 0x00000000

02:24:25 : Flash memory [0x08000000:0x0BFFFC00] Checksum: 0x00000000

Senior II

Hello @MBezz.1​ ,

I honestly didn't understand a lot what you wrote, but there's is a strong probability that the chip is fried or at least some solder joints are bad.

Best regards,

@SBEN .2​ 

Associate II

Sorry i am a noob in STM32 I try to better explain i have mounted STM32F407 Discovery Board over a custom board assembled by me and a specific component of this custom board took fire , with no evident damage on STM32F407 Discovery Board . i have immediately stop current flow and now with st Link i am able tof ully erase chip and the board is recognized by both ST-LINK and STM32CubeProgrammer but i am not able to flash any bin program because i receive the error of the topic. But i can upgrade and downgrade board firmware. Windows drivers work with no problem. Flash memory at 0x08000000 is always empty with Checksum: 0x00000000

The firmware on the ST-LINK (STM32F103) is independent from the F407

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so if i have understod you belive that only STM32F103 is ok while STM32F407 is broken but both erase and all zero read is good , well it can be a signal of no response ,could be a good idea to desolder and resolder STM32F407 ?

Hello @MBezz.1​ ,

Maybe try replacing the chip altogether.

Best regards,

@SBEN .2​