2012-03-16 8:53 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to add an LCD to my stm32f4-discovery using FSMC driver/protocol and I'd like to know how can I do. I have seen STEVAL-CCM002V1 but seems working only with STM32F10xxx. Is there an easy solution or I have to buy the EVAL? Thanks in advance2012-03-19 1:35 PM
Hi there,
I have used off-the-shelf serial LCD with the F4-Discovery with no problem. Not sure about direct parallel lcd though. Have you looked at the STM3240G-EVAL board? The schematics has how the LCD is wired up to the FSMC, with a table of pins from LCD to the F4. Tony2012-03-21 8:19 AM
Thanks kao.tony.001,
I have looked at 3240G-eval manual and seems that I have the right FSMC pins on my discovery so I have ordered an LCD screen to see what happen2012-04-13 7:30 AM
I have buy 2 lcd screen 1 with an external memory data bus of 16b and 1 with 8b. I have seen that there is an example for 16b data bus - stm324xg_eval_lcd.
I'd like to know how to modify it to use with 8b lcd. Which pins have I to use?? How data are aligned MSB first??? Thanks in advance