2015-06-22 1:14 AM
I have a custom STM32F411-based board that I am trying to bring-up. But when I plug this into the USB port, I do not see the device listed.
Is there any documentation/guide that can help with initial board bring-up?I also have a 411-Nucleo that connects just fine over USB, and I can successfully use the mbed environment to build and then flash firmware (using st-link). But I am not sure if a custom board based on the same 411 would need a different way to first get the USB working to flash new firmware using STLink-v2.Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks! #stm32f4 #custom-board2015-06-22 5:16 AM
The Data Manual and Reference Manual should be sufficient, all the salient information is in them. If you need more about the processor, then ARM's TRM and Joesph Yiu's books could provide that.
Does the 411 have a USB System Loader function? If you want the device to enter the System Loader, then reset with BOOT0 pulled High.General bring up checks would be that you have the correct digital and analogue supplies connected. That you see 1.25V at the VCAP pins. Make sure NRST goes high, and is not driven High by a push-pull driver by anything on your board.The System Loader should provide USART1 connectivity via PA9/PA10, you can send an 0x7F character at 9600 8E1 and confirm if you can see an 0x79 response.