2015-08-30 7:53 AM
I've been working on a project on my STM32F4 Discovery for a few weeks now and it's been working fine. Today I connected a OV7670 camera and after uploading the code the discovery stopped working after a while for some reason. I removed all the wires that connect the camera but still it does not work.I try to debug to see what is wrong but when I go into the SystemInit() function the debugger just hangs there and does not continue. The dissasembler just shows nothing after that. What is wrong? I tried a few times to erase the whole flash memory and reprogram but it did not help.I'm using Coocox IDE and STM32F407Discovery with stlink via usb2015-08-30 8:29 AM
So do you actually STEP INTO SystemInit(), at what line of code explicitly does it stop? Is it waiting for a clock to start, a PLL to lock?
Do you have another board to see if it's board/chip specific?Have you looked at the voltages on the board can checked if they are where they should be? ie VDD at 3.0V, VCAPs at 1.25V2016-12-31 1:57 AM
to_deletemr assioma
Around a year back you have faced this issue, and currently I am facing similar issue. Is it resolved? Can you please help me with the resolution?
2016-12-31 9:26 AM
Please try not to reopen old threads where the OP hasn't even bothered to respond to the advice provided.
If a part has been crashed by user code, strap BOOT0 high so it doesn't run and break the debugger interface. The system loader is in ROM/OTP it isn't something that is going to get randomly erased.