2016-09-28 7:55 AM
Dear all,
I will work on an STM32F303VET6 and I have to use USB port. I developed many functionalities with standard peripheral library, so I would to continue to develop with this library. The standard libraryv.1.2.3 +USB FS device library 4.0.0 (the last one)
don't support USB with STM32F303xE but only with STM32F303xC. I have already seen the ultimate Cube library and there are changes about USB fromSTM32F303xC to
STM32F303xE because there is a different dedicated packet buffer memory SRAM access scheme. Is there the possibility of these changes to be inserted to the next standard peripheral library and USB FS device library?
Best regards. #stm32f303xe-usb-standard-library2016-09-29 8:31 AM
Hi girardi.maurizio.001,
I submit your request to our developpment team.-Hannibal-2016-09-29 9:50 AM
Thank you for the support! Watching the differences from the cube library 1.5.0 to the USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0 I've seen these changes:
in usb_regs.h the definition of #define _pEPTxAddr(bEpNum) ...#define _pEPTxCount(bEpNum) ...
#define _pEPRxAddr(bEpNum) ...
#define _pEPRxCount(bEpNum) ...
#define _SetEPRxCount(bEpNum,wCount) ...in usb_core.c the function Setup0_Processand in usb_mem.c the functions UserToPMABufferCopy and PMAToUserBufferCopyFurthermore in STM32F303xE the usb could be in low power mode (this doesn't happen with STMF303xC) so when in interrupt if I see a wake up flag I'll clear the low power status.