2014-09-30 2:20 PM
I am trying to get the ADC working on a STM32F302 processor and I am noticing while single stepping the code is when I call�? HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADC_Start(ADC_HandleTypeDef* hadc)�? and exercise the code the “CR''Register never changes:
hadc->Instance->CR |= ADC_CR_ADSTART;
I have read the manual and it states if the ADEN = 1 and the ADDIS = 0 and there are no pending ADC disable the bit should set.
Currently ADEN = 1 and ADDIS = 0, but I don’t see the value updated.
#stm32-adc #stm32-adc2014-10-02 11:25 AM
Figures, I have this working on a STM32F0, STM32F1.
Thought for this project I could save time and use the STM32CubeMx and the new libraries. What could be easier.I'll start over and copy my code from my other projects that work.Thanks