2014-01-07 8:12 AM
Hello everyone, i want to get bootloader working through USART protocol. I looked to the datahseet and it says, that BOOT0 should be 1, and BOOT1 0. Since BOOT1 here isnt and I/O pin, it has to be programed and i found out, that it is an optinional byte, but by default it should be 0. So all i need to do is to connect BOOT0 pin to 3V supply and push reset button, and system memory boot mode should be selected. I downloaded the STM flash loader program but i cant get that to work because i always get an answer: No response from the target, the Boot loader cannot be started. Could someone explain me what im doing whrong here and why bootloader doesn't start? Thanks in advance.
#!telegraphing2014-01-13 6:12 AM
Yeah i understand, i should probably forget about flashing my board with this STMFlashloader tool. So i recently asked you is there any other ways i could program my microcontroller flash memory via USART, and you respondend:
You want to either talk to the chip directly via the serial port, or put a serial port monitor on your system and observe the to-and-fro between the software and the chip.
2)Perhaps the command line app (and the source) would provide more insight.
Since i have lack of knowledge on programming microcontrollers, could you point me to information where i can find it explained or you could explain it a little bit what do you mean by those two points of your comment? How do i do that? Thanks in advance for your help.BTW: Just out of curiosity, is it possible to enter bootloader from my code?2014-01-14 5:39 AM
And also, do you have any clue i can't make to work the command-line app of the flashloader?
2014-01-15 5:56 AM
Hey, for everyone who will read this post, when searching information about stm32 bootloader, it is possible to run bootloader from your own program, even without a reset button which is on the board.
2014-01-15 8:35 AM
The USART protocol is described here
Tools like RealTerm can inject hex manual, or you can write app code to do it programmatically. There are several ways to monitor the serial porthttp://www.serial-port-monitor.com/
2014-01-15 2:54 PM
Thanks for your help Clive. I think i will solve this one out now.
2015-01-17 2:51 AM
Flash Loader Demonstration error on (stm32f407 discovery board)
sir i used PB10 and PB11 as serial communication(USART 3) and connect BOOT 0 pin with VDD and PB2(boot 1) to GND. But its not working and there is a error............... and also click on Remove protection but warning is still not removed . plz help.............2015-01-17 5:35 AM
Flash Loader Demonstration error on (stm32f407 discovery board) sir i used PB10 and PB11 as serial communication(USART 3) and connect BOOT 0 pin with VDD and PB2(boot 1) to GND. But its not working and there is a error...............
and also click on Remove protection but warning is still not removed .
plz help............. And did you read any of the suggestions in the thread before posting against it? Try connecting manually and report results. Try using a PC with a built in serial port. Try using 9600 8E1 (EVEN PARITY). Try explain how the serial circuit is wired (STM32F4 to PC)