2014-05-15 6:58 AM
2014-05-15 9:51 AM
I think i'm missing something about some DMA interrupt handler... ADC acquisition works only once and is never refreshed.
I don't see where you are triggering the ADC2014-05-16 12:10 AM
First of all, i saw a mistake in the code posted yesterday :
ADC_InitStructure.ADC_ContinuousConvMode = ADC_ContinuousConvMode_Disable;
and notDisable.
Apologizes for the typo... I tested dozens of parameter combinations I don't see where you are triggering the ADC What am i supposed to do to trigger the ADC? I thought that in continuous mode with DMA, ADC measurements would automatically be transfered to ADC_val[]. Am I wrong?2014-05-16 6:54 AM
Well continuous mode is just that, the measurements occur all the time, as fast as the ADC can clock. In this mode the variable will always hold the most recent sample, but you'll have next to no idea about what instant in time the samples was taken.
My aim is to acquire 3 voltage at 36kHz Which would suggest you tie the Trigger (see the configuration parameters) of the ADC to a timer clocking at the rate/instant you want the sample at, rather than free running them.