2013-02-06 9:15 PM
Hi guys !
I'm just about to order but wanted to make sure first. I'm trying to get four stepping motors (bipolar) in daisy chain. I want to use the chain as it is said in AN3991 with the difference that I'll be useing STM32 Discovery board. Would it still be possible to set it up like that and control multiple steppers ?BTW is there a similar driver for UNIPOLAR stepping motors ?Any other advices I would grately appriciate : )thanks,D #stepping-motor-l64702013-02-11 6:47 PM
Nobody knows ? Maybe I wasn't precise enough. I want to control four stepper motors with a single stm32 discovery through one SPI connected to four L6470EVAL in a daisy chain, as well connected through SPI(Master-Slave). Will I be able to control different pairs at the same time ? Will I be able to control different pairs but not necessarily at the same time ?
2013-02-12 7:55 AM
Nobody knows ?
The forum's lack of response is your negative acknowledgement. Let me share an observation about forums, a lot of people just show up when they have a problem, and never participate before/after that event, so unless you get some random coincidence where two or more show up at the same time it's hard to gauge if anybody or nobody is doing something. I don't do motors, a lot of people aren't. Perhaps there is a better forum for embedded motor control? Perhaps you can tickle your local ST FAE?
2013-08-23 9:20 AM
Yup, this is a fact of life with forums. But what's really sad is that emailing ST technical support results in an autogenerated acknowledgement, but not a followup response from a human.