2014-09-08 02:11 AM
I am working on a custom board with stm32f103zg microcontroller. So far I was using an lcd touch screen with ili9341 controller (SPI serial interface) with no problem. Now I step forward creating a new board r connected to fsmc in 16-bit parallel mode. My problem is I cant find any sample code of using this controller with stm32f fsmc. The board has no external ram, so I need to use mcu's internal memory to address fsmc and lcd. Please, do you have any idea how to proceed? Any one else faced the same problem?Thank you in advance #stm32 #fsmc #ili9486l #put-on-your-pants2014-09-08 04:18 AM
> Please, do you have any idea how to proceed?
Connect the 16-bit bus, as if connecting a 16-bit SRAM memory - same as with the 8-bit, just simply add the extra data lines. As you don't intend to write single bytes, you don't need to connect the FSMC_NBL signals. Initialize FSMC into 16-bit mode - again, the only difference to 8-bit is the MWID bitfield in the respective FSMC_BCR. The rest - control register layout, data-to-pixel mapping - is described quite clearly in the LCD controller's datasheet. Control registers simply use only the lower 8-bit and the upper 8-bit are ignored except for data. This controller has embedded RAM, so you don't need to use the mcu's internal RAM for pixel data. JW2014-09-08 09:26 AM
Please, do you have any idea how to proceed? Any one else faced the same problem?
I guess you'd have to put your pants on and read thehttp://www.displayfuture.com/Display/datasheet/controller/ILI9486L.pdf
? Developing code from scratch is something engineers do all the time. The STM3210E-EVAL has a 16-bit FSMC based LCD connection. Having on-board memory is not uncommon. What software/drivers does the panel vendor provide? How's this controller materially different from many of the others? Got to be other non-STM32 examples that would be at least reasonably portable.2014-09-09 01:53 AM
2014-09-10 12:59 PM
You should start be confirming that you can read the ID register correctly, and then that you can write and read back other registers. If that doesn't work, writing additional data is pointless, you'd need to review the FSMC settings, and wiring. Confirming with a scope or analyzer that the data written generates the appropriate signals, and the addresses actuate the correct REG/DATA space.
2014-11-18 12:10 PM
2014-11-18 12:12 PM
2014-11-18 04:58 PM
The forum doesn't work well with mobile devices, it probably doesn't work from Windows Phone either, which would explain Microsoft's fantastic performance in the mobile arena.
Please try again...2016-10-12 12:34 PM
Hi Giatrakos,
Did you manage to get ili9341 work on your machine ?Did you need to make modifications to the example code you've attached ?Thanks,Ran2016-10-12 03:13 PM