2017-06-05 2:24 AM
I've designed a custom board using STM32F103RBT6. To debug the custom board I've got the STM32F103 Nucleo-64 board. As mentioned in the User manual of Nucleo 64 board(UM1724) page 18, section 6.2.4, I've connected the CN4(VDD, SWCLK, GND, SWDIO, NRST) connector to my custom board connector, I've brought all the debug pin on a single connector in my custom board.
Now I configured the peripherals using cubemx and using atolic studio for coding and debugging, whenever I click debug, I'm getting No device found on target.
I've checked voltages on my custom board, I'm getting 3V3 volts.
Also what should be connected to Boot0, 3v3 or gnd or shoud be kept open.?
Can anyone please help me in solving this issue.
#stm32f103rb #stm32 #discovery ##nucleo-642017-06-05 6:49 AM
Did you take off jumpers in CN2?
Also try to use st-link utility first, make sure you can connect to target.
2017-06-06 12:47 AM
Hello Zhitai,
Using ST Link Utililty, first I tried connecting the Nucleo 64 board to it, it's connecting to the Nucleo 64 board successfully.
Then I removed the two jumpers on CN2 on Nucleo 64 board. Tried connecting to the ST Link Utility my custom board, but it's showing No target connected.
I've attached the MCU design of my custom board. Please review it.
Also I've connected VDD, GND, SW_CLK, SW_DIO, nRST pins from custom board to Nucleo 64 board. Are there any additional pins connections required.
2017-06-06 2:46 AM
Hey, I think it's the reset pin.
Check your reset pin, if it's held in low state.
If you didn't break out the st-link board, you should do the folllowing modification.
SB12 NRST (target MCU RESET) must be OFF if CN4 pin 5 is used in the external application. (UM1724 p17)
I remembered before, when using Nucleo 64 board, i use the on board st-link to debug some other custom board, and I didn't break out the st link part from the main board.
I took off the jumper JP6(turning off IDD), thinking it would be better to turn off the MCU belowed. However, without taking off the SB12, it results the reset pin held in low state.
So, did you take off SB12?
Good Luck!
2017-06-06 3:55 AM
Hello Zhitai,
Thank you for the information.
No, I did not take off the SB12 from the Nucleo 64 board.
Will remove the SB12 and will share the result.
2017-06-08 10:19 PM
0 use digital meter to check connections of debug pins from st-link to target mcu
1 check whether the reset pin is high. boot0 is ground
2 power on the device and check 3.3V pins
3 make sure your target mcu is not in sotp/sleep/stnadby mode.
4 check whether your
atolic studio debugger
setting is correct2017-06-09 12:00 AM
Hello Zhitai,
I removed the SB12 from the the Nucleo 64 board. I've connected the CN4 connector(
) to my custom board.But still whenever I click on debug, it shows Reason: (-4) No device found on target.
The procedure I'm following is: Open cubemx to configure pins.(configuring SYS as serial wire and one pin as output).
Then using code generator, opening the project in truestudio, build and debug.
Am I missing out something??
Why is it showing No device found on target.
2017-06-09 5:19 AM
Hello Zhitai,
Also how to
make sure my target mcu is not in sotp/sleep/stnadby mode??
2017-06-09 5:21 AM
Hello Zhitai,
Please find the images here
2017-06-09 5:27 AM
HOW CAN IT BE RST PIN GETTING LOW?! It should be as high as you Target MCU VCC