2011-06-25 10:59 AM
I bought
the STM32F103RBT6 development board + 2.8'' TFT-module
. (A.k.a MINI-STM32-V3.0) (with the 2 mini USBs)
After many
to enter
program it
USB without any extra tools
I managed
i used this combination to enter the programing mode: (PRESS and HOLD the BOOT0 key, Press and Release the RESET key, Release the BOOT0 key) i used the PL2303 Driver to set my ''USB to Serial'' Virtual COM and i used the ''Flash Loader Demo'' to upload the example code to my board.The program
everything was good
I tried
againto enter
(in order to change the code),
on the
i tried to program it (in the same way i managed before) but nothing, Now, when ever i power up my board i see a white screen, the four keys (RESET, BOOT0, KEY1, KEY2) doesn't respond and the''Flash Loader Demo''
application cannot communicate with the board.
I am really afraid that somehow my board hasBricked\Spoiled
I willAppreciate any help in this subject, thanks
#metoo #lmgtfy2011-06-25 5:52 PM
The BOOT0/RESET is pretty intrinsic to the STM32 operation. Providing you get the sequencing right, it's going to go into system loader mode, period. Be persistent and keep trying, the device auto-bauds when you first talk to it, foul that up, and you have to start over. Try also disconnecting power/USB.
The white screen, the STM32 has no idea how to configure it, the system loader doesn't touch it, so it will just do it's own thing. You also have a JTAG connector, try using that.2011-06-26 8:32 AM
I use those dev boards and recommend getting one of the $12 VLDiscovery boards for use as a programmer/debugger.
2011-06-26 9:55 AM
Nothing working :[
i tried every thing i can think on, i tried to reinstall the drivers, terminal programing, and so... is there any way to go back to the demo program? and if so, so how? thanks2011-06-27 7:30 AM
As I said in my earlier post, you can use the ST VLDiscovery to load the demo back into the board.
2011-06-27 9:30 AM
i tried to reinstall the drivers, terminal programing, and so...
You programmed it once, so not the drivers.is there any way to go back to the demo program? and if so, so how? As suggested you have TWO methods to do this, via the serial connection to the system boot loader, and via the JTAG connector. There isn't a magic reset button to get you back to the delivered code. The utility of the VL Discovery board is probably overstated, it does not have a connector for the 20-pin JTAG of the dev board. It is cheap, but you'll have to hack things together. Judge your capabilities to modify and wire it up. The non half-assed approach would be to download an eval copy of Keil or IAR, and get a U-Link (Keil only) or J-Link JTAG pod. Build, Download, Debug, simple2011-06-27 11:23 AM
All it needs a 4-wire connection for full debug (and programming) capability. Have used it with both Truestudio and Crossworks.
2011-06-27 6:15 PM
I think I have the V4 version of the board you're talking about. On that one, it appears to me the boot0 key is really ''flaky''. Sometimes the two key combo works fine for me on the first try - other times it takes me 4 or 5 attempts before I get it to work. You might want to use a multimeter to see if your boot0 (or reset) key has failed completely.
I mostly use the board without the LCD module. At one point I was sure I had some sort of interference between the LCD module and the PL2303 interface. I had a program that worked when the LCD module was disconnected, but not when it was connected. Later I could not duplicate the problem. But if you're at the point of trying random things, removing the LCD module is one more random thing you might try. Of course, it is possible the uC or the PL2303 chip has failed.2011-07-27 1:19 PM
I just got my STM32F103RBT6(development board ) with 2.8
TFT-module, but the supplier left out the CD and the cable. I was searching for the datasheet for the stuf on internet (Board and LCD), but no success. Can you guys help me out .... and also some tutorials would be great....
2011-07-30 4:42 AM
The flash loader demonstrator is very sensitive to having clear RS232 FIFO buffers(I think). For some reason they don't purge the connection properly which causes all sorts of mayhem where you need to get timing precise when attempting to communicate with the bootloader
My recipe for a tolerable Flash loader demonstrator use:
Unplug all USB devices
Put STM32 board in bootloader mode by holding Boot0 while powering up
Plug in serial port
Run flash loader demonstrator