2017-01-26 5:53 AM
I've been trying to get the device to wake up from standby using RTC alarm, but it doesn't seem to wake up.
I think it goes to standby, because the debugger loses connection - the interface seems to get unpowered.
How do you set up RTC to wake up the device without CMSIS-stuff?
(I'm not using CMSIS-stuff, because I'm trying to learn the HW, not the libraries.)
I've connected the +3.3V also to Vbatt just in case...
The RTC runs using LSE, and it seems to set the alarm flag as wanted, when the standby is not entered.
(The WFI/WFE is replaced by RTC alarm flag polling loop.)
What are the steps needed to configure the system (without CMSIS-stuff) to be waken up from standby by the RTC alarm?
#rtc-alarm #standby #stm32f1032017-01-26 1:11 PM
Forget it. The problem seemed to be that I set the ALRIE-bit in RTC_CRH.
When I removed that, the wakeup started working fine.
The mask probably re-routes the ALRF to some wakeup module instead of nowhere when
the device is in standby and ALRIE is clear?