2015-03-28 9:59 AM
I try enable TIM12-17 but TIM12EN-TIM17EN not set to 1 (always 0) in APB1ENR and APB2ENR.?an you help me?Thanks. #stm32f100rc2015-03-28 12:43 PM
F100RC or F103RC? Titles appear to have changed.
Are you sure the Value Line parts actually have these timers? Usually they are stripped down function devices.2015-03-28 1:02 PM
2015-03-28 8:41 PM
2015-03-28 8:57 PM
I try to set TIM15EN-TIM17EN in RCC_APB2ENR but zeroed.
Which F100 you use? RC?Thanks.2015-03-29 2:25 AM
I'm sorry, but I don't have an STM32F100. I'm just looking at the datasheet. See table 2.2.15 of the STM32F100 datasheet, docid 16455.
On the other hand, the ''12 timers'' in the quick overview might be an error: In table 2 there are only 5 or 6 timers. then 2.2.15 lists 1 advanced and 6 general purpose timers. The base address for say ''TIM12'' is constant across the STM32 family. If your device does not have that timer, the memory region is marked as reserved. So this makes it easy for the headers to define the base address even if your device doesn't have it. As long as your software doesn't use peripherals that don't exist on your device, there is no problem.....2015-03-29 4:04 AM
STM32F100 datasheet, docid 16455 for STM32F100x4 STM32F100x6 STM32F100x8STM32F100xB.
My MCU is STM32F100R
C- datasheet Doc ID 15081 Rev 7.
2015-03-29 4:52 AM
Ok. You're right. I'm sorry I looked at the wrong datasheet.
I'm used to the newer chips where the amount of flash does not influence the peripherals that are installed, or said another way where the amount of peripherals warrants a new chip number.2015-03-29 6:01 AM
Are you sure of the source/markings of this part?
What numbers do you see from this?unsigned short *Memory = (unsigned short *)0x1FFFF7E0;
unsigned long *Unique = (unsigned long *)0x1FFFF7E8;
printf(''%04X %04
X'', Memory[0], Memory[1]);
printf(''%08X %08X %08
X'', Unique[0], Unique[1], Unique[2]);
2015-03-29 7:58 AM
0x1FFFF7E0 FFFF0100 256 KB
0x1FFFF7E8 05D0FF34 35355341 430283210xE0042000 10036414 0x414, ''High-density''