2017-07-18 3:57 PM
I am attempting to power the STM32F100RB from a battery pack, however I am unsure what needs to happen in order for this to work and the datasheet has been vague/confusing (or I'm missing something). I at first thought I would just need to power either the VBAT/3.3V/5V inputs, however I cannot find any documentation that supports this train of thought. If possible I would like to know what pins and at what voltages are required to have the STM32F100RB Value Line Discovery board running off of a battery. #stm32f100rb #external-power2017-07-18 4:39 PM
The chip itself doesn't need 5V. You could presumably power the entire board from a USB 5V juice box type battery.
To run the chip all the time you'd likely just need VDD and VDDA connected to 3V or so. Powering VBAT allows you to power the RTC/LSE in the absence of primary power.
For battery power consider L series parts, the F1 is rather an old design.