2020-09-17 3:54 AM
I am using UART4 from STM32F072VB with 9600 baudrate on inetrrupt basis.
uint8_t p[2] = {0,0}; // array to store data received on uart temporary
storing uart receive data in this array according to my program requirement.
uint8_t led_ip_cmd[5][16];//array to store
I want to see the real time values for led_ip_cmd[][] array......
I am trying to use watchpoint during debugging but unable to see the values....
how can i observe it in real time application...
while (1)
for(uint32_t b=0; b<0x04; b++); //initial delay
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart4, (uint8_t *)p, 2);
for(uint32_t b=0; b<0x02; b++);
2020-09-17 4:37 AM