2016-09-24 5:50 PM
STM32F070RB DMA channel TIMER setting for sevarel stem
2016-09-24 6:19 PM
I'm not sure what the question is here. The forum doesn't like mobile devices.
The Reference Manual is where to looks for associations between TIM and DMA2016-09-25 5:33 PM
Dear Sir,
Sorry for using mobile text that is not visible here.I wanted to get help for few things implementing RTC, DMA,NVIC,TIMER etc.My project has many steps as follows,1. Step-1, POWER ON
a) LED, 7-segment will reset.
b) System entering the stand by status.
a) Set Temperature push button,
b) Set operating time button.
c) Set Temperature reading button.
a) 7-segment reading for Temperature value.
b) After reaching a fixed temperature, warm up alarm LED and Buzzer will sound for 10 seconds.
c) Alarm can be off by pushing alarm button.
4. Step-4, BURN ACTION
a) During burn action, the 7-segment will show the remaining time to burn. (Descending order)
b) After it finished, the burn alarm LED beeps for 10 sec.
Cc) Alarm can be OFF by alarm button.
d)This action can be cancelled by push button.
In this case I need to implement a timer base state machine.1. What kind of code structure can be apply for collecting data?2. Can you help me to explain how I can configure push key action for collecting SPI data in increasing/ descending order?3. How to clear /reset 7segment in case of time and temperature setting?Hope you will help me.2016-09-25 6:11 PM
I'm not paid to do your project work, you'll need to discuss the implementation with your supervisor.
For a time base on Cortex-Mx processor you'd probably want to use SysTick, people often use 1ms ticker, but it depends on the resolution you desire. You'll want to review the connectivity of the buttons, display, etc for your design, and start by configuring those. Once you have that done, work on the subroutines to put values into the display.2016-09-25 7:33 PM
2016-09-26 4:00 AM
Hi hasan.md_mubdiul,
It seems you are working on a low power application with RTC and sensor read. I recommend that you check the application examples with firmware done inside both application note AN4365''Using STM32F4 MCU power modes with best dynamic efficiency'' and AN4538 ''Power consumption optimization with STM32F3xx microcontrollers''. You will be inspired from the application state machine implemented in both scenarios. I advise you in a first step to check some useful example inside the library STM32 standard peripheral library or STM32cubeF0 : like Power_consumption (stop, standby configuration) , RTC example, SPI/I2C rw example with DMA. Those example will give an overview of how to design and code each part for your application. Good Luck. -Hannibal-2016-09-26 5:36 PM