2018-05-23 7:28 AM
Hello Sir,
Currently we are working on a industrial project. This is targeted for a monitoring purpose, which detect by using magnetic flux density sensing.
In which we have done a circuit with MCU STM32F051K6, we need to confirm the schematics before manufacturing. Could you please verify the same?
#stm32f051k6-schematics-verification2018-05-23 4:40 PM
its strange to have those 100R in series, but its in the data sheet, must be a low power function, but not needed.
1.2k pullup on SDA/SCL is also a little strange, 10K will do.
the Average operating current is only 3.7mA typical, so running from a GPIO is ok.
Connector J1 looks obscure, I guess you need it.
nReset with a CAP is ok 99.999999 of the time.
A reset chip will ensure perfect reset at all times.
R9 and C7 will give you trouble, are you trying to reduce noise ?
these should be carefully checked during testing, otherwise remove them both.
C2, C3,C4,C5,C6 excellent work.
C9, c12,c13 seem problematic, they may reduce the life time of those outputs.
maybe a 10nF would do, since the sensor is such low power.
2018-05-31 5:35 AM
Hello TJ,
Can you please check the attached schematics, we have updated the same
as per your comments.
Also kindly check the crystal (Y1) 8Mhz, In the previous schematics we
have connected with crystal 32khz.
Jom Sabu
Z-Crossing solutions Pvt Ltd.
________________ Attachments : SCH_REVA_31MAY2018A.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxXy&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000azl%2FLeBgbQr3FVeuN5gHxOWb3lunzpTDYX5gi.KM2BQlG.Y&asPdf=false2018-05-31 6:58 AM
the schematic looks good,
are the sensors some distance for each other ?
or do you have a high frequency SPI clock ?
otherwise the 100Rs are not needed, but they wont stop it working and will reduce the heat slightly.