2012-12-05 9:40 AM
STM32F0 Discovery virtual com port of STM32F103
2012-12-05 3:17 PM
The STM32F103 used for programming has his serial port connected to the STM32F051. This is probably done with the purpose of using the F103 as VCP to the F051
It would be nice if the F103 could be used at the same time as Virtual comm port and as well as debugging for the F051. Can this be done ?2015-12-14 10:40 AM
I have the same question:
>Can this be done ?2015-12-14 11:39 AM
I have the same question: Can this be done ?
Two posts from three years ago say no.The mbed version of the ST-LINK firmware/boards support a VCP function, using a more powerful STM32F103 offering. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be retrofitted onto older DISCO boards.Could the firmware be changed to support a VCP, probably, but you'd lose the SWD function.The mbed firmware is in the NUCLEO boards, use one of those..