2015-06-11 11:27 PM
I'm trying to use the STM32F0 discovery with the ST link on board. So in first time, I try with ST link utilityV3.6.0 with STLinkUSBDriver.dll V4.3.4.0 on windows 7 pro 64 bits. All seem to be right, STLink utility is connected with the good target (STM32F..) but when I want to program the targetan internal error occured.07:59:34 : ST-LINK SN : 50FF6D065067525543600187
07:59:34 : ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J23S0
07:59:34 : Connected via SWD.
07:59:34 : SWD Frequency = 1,8 MHz.
07:59:34 : Connection mode : Normal.
07:59:34 : Device ID:0x440
07:59:34 : Device flash Size : 64KBytes
07:59:34 : Device family :STM32F051x4/F051x6/F051x8/F030x8
08:13:22 : [test_stmhex] opened successfully.
Address Ranges [0x00000000 0x00000F05] [0x00000F08 0x00000F80]
08:13:28 : No OnChip verification function found. Verify after programming will be performed.
08:13:28 : Internal command error
08:13:28 : Error occured during program operation!
08:13:28 : Programming error @: 0x00000000
I try with Eclipse and with IARthe problem is the same with 2 differents boards
Can someone help me ? Thanks2015-06-18 2:00 AM
How you have generated this hex file ?Because by reading ST-LINK Utility log output it seems that your hex file points to address 0x0 (note that flash memory is located in 0x08000000).I have tested with STM32F052 using correct HEX file (starts from 0x08000000) and it is fine for me.Best Regards,Tarek2015-06-23 11:06 PM
You are right.I try with a hex file generates by the IAR IDE and I can program the board.I'm looking for why I use Eclipse It's not OK.May be the link script ?Thank2015-06-25 7:52 AM
I think so.
View attached file and compare it to your linker file. Regards ________________ Attachments : LinkerScript.ld : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HzUx&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQM%2F.6ROnZxseyWwyXMNoJ0xUoJmS5fZ56UD.YzQscq58ME&asPdf=false