2014-07-19 1:33 PM
hi ,
i am currently evaluating STM32CubeMX for STM32F4 , great tool for getting started on New MCU.I have few question : 1.How can i define User Code block ? so when i make changes to existing project the STM32CubeMX generation process wont erase my code ? i notice that there are already Specific User code block place holder , but i have situation when i need to define my own. 2.what is the work flow to combine other RTOS with STM32CubeMX such as Keil CMSIS-RTOS-RTX ?I know that i can add RTX to existing a project using Mange Run-time-Environment (Keil IDE).Thanks ,2014-07-20 4:39 AM
1.) in all C-File generated by cube, you see comments like ''/* USER CODE BEGIN x */''and /* USER CODE END 0 */. x starts from 0 and increases. You can put your code between These blocks. When you recreate the Project, your code between These comments is saved and placed again in the same section.2014-07-21 4:44 AM