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STM32CubeMX STM32F4 Library Install Problem

Jason Petras
Posted on January 24, 2017 at 19:55

Hello all, 

I am running into a problem with updating the STM32F4 library in STM32CubeMX ver 4.19. I want to install the STM32F4 library package ver 4.14. However, I get an error stating 'These Files have problem during Download : (Target directory already exists)' 

I am able to install the previous STM32F4 package, rev 1.13 without problems. 

I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, deleting the repository package directory, etc, etc. No dice. Perhaps I am missing a directory to clean up while reinstalling. Also, I can see where the .zip is downloaded to when running the updater. There is nothing there. It shouldn't have any problems. I also tried installing the package via the 'Load from file', but no dice there. I get an error that way too. 

I also thought that the package may have already come with CubeMX, but I am prompted to download the package when I try to generate code.Of course, this fails for the same reason

So, long story short, I am stuck. I would appreciate the help! Looks like there are others who have had issues in the past, but there are no answers.I listed on below.


John Winters
Associate III

I had the same problem So, I uninstalled and deleted ALL ST stuff. It then would not install. It told me I had to uninstall first. ???

John Winters
Associate III

Can we just have an installer that works, and installs stuff that works?

Associate III

This problem persists and applies to any repo unzip for any stm32cube product. Problem is interference with McAfee antivirus. Blocking antivirus fixes problem as a workaround, but I generally think it is a bad idea to do that while downloading files from internet...

ST need to se over the installer to be more friendly to antivirus...



Associate III

Hello all, 

I've the same problem. I'm working with:

I've installed the last MCU Package for the STM32WB:

But when I try to import an example, I've the following error:

I've followed all previous suggest without resolve problem. How can I resolve this issue?

Associate III

Hello all, 

I've the same problem. I'm working with:

0693W000007Yzb9QAC.png I've installed the last MCU Package for the STM32WB:


But when I try to import an example, I've the following error:


I've followed all previous suggest without resolve problem. How can I resolve this issue?


I think this is a very simple issue.


  • ST CUBE IDE /MX has different zip files for Firmware Package Name and Version,


  • While downloading selected software packages and unzipping it, Cube IDE & MX tries to unzip its contents into the same folder name. [In my case it is stm32cube_fw_f1_v180 & stm32cube_fw_f1_v184 ]


  • As the IDE is not able to over write the zipped contents into the same Folder, it throws the error and Project Creation gets aborted at this stage.


  • Now check the repository folder location and you should find the ZIP files downloaded by STM32 CUBE IDE /MX.


  1. All you have to do is "unzip the files one after the other in ascending order of firmware version", select the option "Extract here" .
  2. Do the same for all the downloaded Firmware Packages and select "Yes to All " when prompter to conform to replace the existing file.
  3. Once its all extracted, delete the old project and start creating an new project and it would not give any trouble.
