2014-07-21 10:34 AM
Hi ,
1. How Can i Find which version of freeRTOS the STM32CubeMX add to the project ?2. I don't Know if this the right place to ask , but does freeRTOS fully support CMSIS-RTOS API ? Thanks .2014-07-28 5:25 AM
Check in MX generated project: - FreeRTOS version is specified in the FreeRTOS.h file. Currently it is v7.6.0. - CMSIS OS Api is supported: as specified in cmsis_os.h file (Version 0.03 also renamed v1.00 by ARM), and wrapper to freeRTOS is implemented in cmsis_os.c file. Be careful that latest ARM CMSIS OS API (v1.02) introduces incompatibilities with previous versions (v1.00). Best regards2015-03-12 2:20 AM
I currently start 2 new projects, one with STM32F407 and one with STM32L152,I would like to profit of the new features of the Version 8.2 of freeRTOS.Could you tell me when CubeMX will be updated?What would mean to make myself the update?Thanks